fianly! ur back from ur small vacation. XD
and ive bin gone for to long TT.
I have only one song that il have to submit Its a darkintro as usaual with crazy effecs. then goes into hapy trance of a custimize sound but i think it was my first trance song tho i did pretty well. I hadent bin practicing mucht i bisicly did give up =( got lazy during becuse i hate my lagg it frezzes or dosent save or gets to laggy dont ill just submit uninished work and stuff.
To ur song.
Very intertaining to lisin to Lots of changes Ment for adventures games or space games more lickly.
or other possibilities for movies. i Say exampple. like those Nature Shows when they Show like a dream place land with butifull scenery
it will have like this peacefull music playing in the background. Wicht is urs =p
Theres no repeative also.
I say this could be longer when it got to the end i thought it was gona get more and more Better!
Probally ur cpu lagg made u stop it there. I bet
Oh dj padman-man.
The reason why u made all thease typ of difrent music was it becuse so it can monefated so u could keep on making music? So u wont get bored of the same type of music style all the time?
I think thats why i got bored of fl studio i got bored of doing the same thing over and over again =(
Great song Man im gladd u didint quit.
Audio / dj-padman1
Thanks for your vote, DarkMcShadowX! You voted 5 for dj_padman - Klung, raising its score from 4.33 to 4.40.
Laters im out for now ill chek some of ur other songs later Ima just submit a song now. Just so u can reveiw it =p
AWW F#CK! i just realize this reveiw is for dj_padman- Klung DAMIT DAMIT DAMIT now i have to reveiw Klung to talk about ur sunswept song XD DAMIT!